
1、Tell me a bit about yourself. 请介绍你自己


2、What books do you read outside of school?你平时读什么书?


3、What has happened recently in current events that interests you? 最近有什么新闻/事件你比较感兴趣?


4、Why are you interested in our school?为什么你对我们学校感兴趣?


5、What are your hobbies?你有哪些爱好?


6、Who are your role models?你的偶像是谁?为什么?


7、Why are you a good fit for this school?你为什么是我们学校合适的候选人?


8、What is the most important part of your education?你的教育背景中最重要的是什么?


9、What extracurricular activities are you interested in? 你平时感兴趣哪些课外活动?


10、What are your future goals?你未来的目标是什么?


11、Do you have any questions for me or about the school?你对我们学校有什么问题吗?