
NYU Shanghai is seeking an enthusiastic Academic Translation Intern to join our Research and Instructional Technology Services (RITS) unit.

The Academic Translation Intern will be primarily responsible for translating and proofreading English subtitles and academic texts for an online education project. The candidate will also have the opportunity to provide research support in areas including open online education and knowledge acquisition for second-language learners.

The Main Responsibilities Include

Proofread English subtitles for video lectures;

English-Chinese translation for video subtitles, readings, blogs and other related academic content;

Add bilingual subtitles, review, and publish content to the online Learning Management System;

Provide assistance in other tasks, including video archiving, workflow maintenance, and research support.

Required Education

Applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate OR graduate program.

Required Experience

Experience and/or education in at least one of the following areas: English Language and Literature, Translation and Interpretation, Linguistics, Media and Communications, Journalism, or other related fields. 

Preferred Experience

Experience working in an online fansub group;

Experience doing subtitle translation or translation of academic texts.

Required Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities

Proficient in both written and spoken English and Mandarin.

Good interpersonal and communication skills to work in an international and cross-cultural environment.

Good problem solving skills, and good time management skills.

Ability to interact with a diverse population of students, faculty, researchers, and staff. 

The candidate is expected to be work at least 2 days per week. The schedule and the length of the internship is flexible.

To apply for this internship, please send your resume and cover letter to Mia Zhuo mia.zhuo@nyu.edu.


对口译同传感兴趣的小伙伴可以看看我们组织的口译同传冬令营,有多个线路供你选择哦:洛杉矶蒙特雷旧金山(2019.1.19-28)、夏威夷、北京站、广州站、上海站。还有超值网课口译基础及CATTI考证等你来学习。行业英语和翻译我们还推出了ICAO民航英语考证和航空翻译 和能源口译实战精品课添加微信yixiaojiang1了解更多吧~


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