
Tsinghua and MIT look to deepen cooperation


China’s world-renowned Tsinghua University recently hosted an executive committee from the US’ Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Officials from the two premier educational institutions held roundtable discussions on development strategies and ways to expand cooperative efforts.


Both sides contemplated ways to deepen collaboration in university development and personnel training.


Qiu Yong, principal of the Tsinghua University hoped both sides would further correspond in subjects built on past success.


“We hope to better understand China’s innovation ecosystem, Chinese universities’ innovation, and entrepreneurship education, as well as their role in economic and social development,” said L. Rafael Reif, principal of the MIT.

麻省理工学院院长拉斐尔·雷夫(L.Rafael Reif)说:“我们希望更好地了解中国的创新生态系统、中国大学的创新和创业教育,以及他们在经济和社会发展中的作用。”

“We look towards strengthening cooperation and connect with more universities around the world regarding scientific research, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship,” said Xue Qikun, vice principal of the Tsinghua University, adding that he believes that roundtable discussions could promote opening-up and reform of universities.


Ideas on laboratory construction, admissions selection mechanism, overseas study mechanism, interdisciplinary research on artificial intelligence, and big data technology were exchanged during the meetings.


MIT executive committee members also visited Tsinghua Schwarzman College, Tsinghua Science Park, and Tsinghua X-Lab. They also communicated with the alumni entrepreneur representatives of the Tsinghua University.






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