



Go~UK! 将与全球事务办公室合作,





It is again the annual exchange season!

Are you tired of going through the

“School Introduction” on the brochures,

but still got lots of questions?

Go~UK! cooperates with

the Global Engagement Office,

bringing you shared exchange experiences

in the following weeks 

to answer your questions,

and provide you a better understanding of

exchange experiences!


Senior Introduction




College: Polytechnic

Major: Computer science

Name: Xuanming Zhang




Hi Everyone, I am Xuanming Zhang, a Computer Science student from the University of Nottingham, Ningbo China. I am now in the United States University of Texas at Dallas for a student exchange. For me, who have yearned for living in the United States since I was young, my time in Dallas made me really feel the authentic American life and study, from which I gained a lot of different feelings. Now, I would like to share my feelings in Dallas with you.


University Introduction

美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UT Dallas)是美国一流的公立大学,是德克萨斯大学系统中奥斯汀分校外,又一所期望发展为美国前50的学校。成立于1969年的达拉斯分校的建校历史相对短暂,但是也是美国近几年来发展最为迅速的大学之一。达拉斯分校在2017年全美建校50年内的学校里排名第一。

The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) is a leading public university in the United States. It is another university of the University of Texas System that is expected to develop into the top 50 universities in the United States despite Austin. Founded in 1969, the University of Dallas has a relatively short history, but it is also one of the fastest growing universities in the United States in recent years. In a 2017 ranking, the Dallas ranked first in schools with a history of under 50 years in the United States.

说完了学校的整体情况,再来看看UT Dallas的专业情况。因为我在宁诺是CS专业,所以在UT Dallas 上的课程也是对应的CS本科课程。UT Dallas的CS专业是工程学院(Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science)下的一个小专业,同时也是工程学院学生人数最多的一个专业。工程学院也是UT Dallas最富盛名的学院之一,拥有非常雄厚的科研以及师资水平

Let’s look at the major of UT Dallas. Because I am a CS student, the courses on UT Dallas are also the corresponding CS undergraduate courses. UT Dallas’s CS Major is a branch major under Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science, as well as one with the largest number of students in the Faculty of Engineering. The School of Engineering is also one of UT Dallas ‘ most prestigious faculties, with a very high level of scientific research and teaching quality.


University Environment


Student Memorial Fountain是UT Dallas的地标性建筑,一眼望去仿佛是一条小河。它是为了纪念逝去的UT Dallas校友而建的。细心的同学可以看见水下是由一些白色的石阶的,上面镌刻着所有逝去校友的名字。

First, I would like to introduce some landmark buildings.

Student Memorial Fountain is a landmark building of UT Dallas, and it looks like a small river. It was built in memory of the UT Dallas alumni who passed away. If you pay enough attention, you can see there are some white stone stepsunder the water, engraved with the names of all the alumni who passed away.

Student Memorial Fountain

Eugene McDermott Library是学校最大的图书馆,虽然看起来不是非常气派,但是还是能很明显地感受到一股学术的气息。

Eugene McDermott Library is the largest library in the university. Although it seems to be not that glorious, you can still feel the academic atmosphere there.

Eugene McDermott Library

Eugene McDermott Library (inside)

Activity Center是学校最大的健身中心,喜欢健身和打球的同学最不应该错过的就是这个地方了。只要有学生卡的话都是可以进去健身的。学校健身房还有免费的私教课,这对于不熟悉健身的同学来说真的是良心福利了。

Activity Center is the largest fitness centre in the university so you cannot miss it if you like working out and playing sports. You can enter as long as you have the student ID card. In addition, the fitness centre provides free training classes, which are really beneficial for the students.

Activity Center


Inadvertently rise your eyes, you will be surprised by the stunning “Burning Cloud“. Isn’t it very beautiful?

Burning Clouds in the Campus

UT Dallas坐落于达拉斯的理查德森市,虽然不在市中心,但是也是别有一番闲适的滋味的。这里没有喧闹都市的汽笛声,处处都充满了安恬生活的气息

UT Dallas is located in the city of Richardson in Dallas. Although it is not in the city centre, you can enjoy casual life there. There is no noise and it is full of tranquil atmosphere.

The “backyard” of

the School of Science and Engineering



我住在学校的校内公寓(Canyon Creek Heights North),这个宿舍楼是最近一年才盖起来非常新的一幢公寓楼设施条件都非常齐全和完备。宿舍楼内部有非常多的社交场所,经常能在走廊里偶遇不同国家的小伙伴,是个锻炼英语口语的绝佳场所

I lived in the school’s apartment (Canyon Creek Heights North), which is a very new dormitory that was built up a year ago. The facilities there are very comprehensive. There are a lot of places for social activities inside the building, where I come across my friends from different countries frequently. It is a perfect place to practice oral English.

The Public Space for Study in the Building

The public Space for Activities


The one that makes me feel quite warm is the nameplate on the door of each room, which is the masterpiece of every peer mentor. Each nameplate is unique. They really give me a sense of belongings and let me feel at home.

Nameplate on the Door (guess which one is mine)


There are various room layouts. I lived in the flat of four room and we shared a large kitchen and living room. However, the bathroom is private. Because of high cost in the restaurants in the United States, I usually cooked in the dormitory for myself, and acquired a good cooking skill!

The Public Kitchen in the Dormitory


At the same time, the security of apartment is pretty good. We don’t need to worry about whether strangers will enter the room because the door can only be opened by our own student ID card. Also, in terms of means of transportation, it is very convenient to walk to the teaching building from the dormitory. It takes 10 to 15 minutes on foot. If possible, you can buy a second-hand bicycle, then you are able to sleep 10 more minutes when you have morning classes.


Study & Life


I have mentioned that I’m really looking forward to living in America. One reason is that I really want to experience American classes. Indeed, American classes are very interesting. The relationships between professors and students are more like friends than simply teaching and learning. In each class, many students “challenge” the professor with questions and the professor will also respond to the questions in time. Sometimes, it can even turn into a debate.


I took 6 courses this semester. American study style is famous for numerous homework, quizzes and exams. However, don’t be afraid of this. Athough the study schedule is pretty tight, the professor will provide us with additional work to earn scores. In other words, the professor will help you with it.

Picture with Professors and Teammates


The amount of homework for each course in this semester is much larger than that in UNNC, and the frequency of examination is much higher than that in UNNC. Such a tight learning schedule let me progress a lot.There were a few classes that was assessed based on group. This required great communication skills to make friends with American students, which was another valuable experience of exchange.

同时,教授都非常乐意在自己的Office Hour解答学生的问题,我每次都能从和教授的交谈中获得很多启发,从而也为我最后的好成绩奠定了基础。

At the same time, professors are willing to answer questions at their Office Hour. I gained a lot of inspirations from them, which laid a solid foundation for my good score.




Watching an NBA game on the spot is also a reason why I came to Dallas. As a boy who is crazy about playing basketball since early age, watching an NBA match has always been my dream. Now my dream comes true!

The Home to the Dallas Mevericks

– American Airlines Center


During the winter holiday, I went to the city with the most abundant culture – Boston. I went to the top universities: MIT and Harvard University.

A Visit to MIT

A Visit to Harvard University


I also went to New York, which is near Boston, to feel the charm of the Time Square. “American Dreams in China” was my favorite film. The poster had the background of the Time Square, which I finally got a chance to experience this.

New York – Time Square



希望我的分享能给学弟学妹们带来帮助。我的建议是,如果你真的想感受纯正的美国教育氛围,那么UT Dallas确实是一个非常不错的选择。尽管对于交换生来说,可能需要面临的最大挑战就是能否适应美国生活和学习,作为一个过来人,我能做到,相信你也一定可以!只要你胸怀向往美国的梦想!

I hope that my sharing is helpful. My suggestion is that if you really want to experience authentic American education, then UT Dallas is definitely a good choice. Although for exchange students, the biggest problem is how to adapt to life and study in America. As an exchange student who coped with these problems, I believe you can do this as well, as long as you have a dream to experience American life!

UT Dallas Anniversary Celebration





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feel free to leave a comment below,

and we will try our best to answer it!


Written by: Go~UK! Programme

Edited by: Maggie

Reviewed by: MKT Department & Go~UK! Programme

Pictures from: Xuanming Zhang & Internet

“Making Connections

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